Communal Harmony in India: Need of the Hour

Scoop Feedz
2 min readMay 17, 2019


India is the only country in the world, has pioneer in culture diversity of religion, tradition, cast and creeds, assorted languages etc. If people live and think only for the sake of their respective religions, and seek to fulfill their selfish ends without keeping national interest in mind. Such mind-set of people would surely lead to the disintegration of the country.

This is the time (need of the hour), we all united together and fight the communal forces that are against the unity and integrity of our country.

India is vast country. It has been called a sub-continent. About 133.92 crore people live in it. The country is divided into number of states and union territories. Our society is further divided into a number of creeds, caste and sub-castes.

In short India is a land of diverse communities, diverse caste, diverse language, religions and diverse manners and customs. But in the midst of these diversities there is a underlying bond of unity, spirit of oneness.

This unity in diversity is a special characteristic of our nation and of Indian culture.

There is a lurking sense of unity which comes out in time of national crisis, one against foreign domination, recently changed foreign aggression. But in the absence of theses adverse forces, it is submerged by the forces of disintegration.

Then fissiparous tendencies again rise their ugly heads and the country seems to be on the way to breaking up.

As a result, there is a need for national integration and communal harmony. Communal harmony means how to unite these different communities into a single whole.

How to foster communal harmony among so varied people? How to bring nation consciousness among them, Is the most serious threat facing our country today?

This unity cannot be forced from above. It grows out of a feeling of mutual love and trust among the people of the country. This feeling is induced by certain factors, that we are all sons and daughters of the same Mother India, that we breathe the same air, that our culture and history are same.

A man who loves his country, also love its people. So love of country is an important factor that unites us all into a nation. And yet, unfortunately, our people sometimes forget the truth of old saying “United we stand divided we fall”.

The communal harmony is the need of the hour. No effort should be spared to create communal harmony among the people of the country. In schools and colleges the young man should be taught that the whole India is one. There is unity in diversity. Our culture is basically one and the differences are superficial.

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